Dressing The Role

To be or not to be?

That age old question can apply to just about anything in your life.
Today, more than ever, it applies to your image.

Should you dress for the job that you have or the job that you want?

Complete LooksIn this competitive job market you most certainly need to dot your I’s and cross your T’s when it comes to personal appearance. Whether you are the interviewee or the interviewer, entry level or the top of the heap, it counts across the boards. You are either influenced by someone or someone is influenced by you.

What counts? The whole package: your hair, your makeup, your clothing, your shoes, your grooming, your attitude, your smile and even the twinkle in your eye! Your image is a reflection of who you are and who you want to be, where you are and where you want to go.

Let’s talk about Casual Friday! More and more I hear both employers and employees complaining about the concept. It was ill conceived, not well defined and poorly executed with people showing up looking like they were off to Coney Island. Then, once it was a policy, it was impossible to retract! Business is business, a client is a client, the face of your business and your personal image should be the same whether it is a Tuesday or a Friday.

So take the time, have a plan & dress with purpose!

Have more questions about how to bump up your office attire?
Let’s engage in a free 30-minute consult

And stay tuned for the daily style tips:
The Organized Wardrobe Facebook Fan Page
Makeover Monday, Trending Tuesday, Wardrobe Wednesday,
Toss it Thursday and Fabulous Friday

To your success!

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