‘Tis The Travel Season – Lighten Up!

BeachGirlDo those words just send your blood pressure soaring?
Do you stress about packing for a trip?
Do you haul crap you don’t use?
Do you buy things you forgot?
Do you stress out at the check-in scale?
Do you spend more money on porters than on mojitos?

Gotcha – Now you are listening!

Why do women feel that they have to take every freaking favorite thing from every freaking category in their wardrobe on a 5-day Island trip?

Oh, that’s my favorite dress, my favorite cover-up, my favorite shoe, my favorite moo-moo, and my favorite thong!!

StuffedSuitcaseThink about it ladies, if all of your favorite shit is in one suitcase and it goes missing, what then? The psyche ward? Am I hearing the theme song from One Flew Over The Cuckoos’ Nest? And it won’t be because you have gone over the deep end over the loss, but rather that you thought you needed that crap in the first place just to enjoy yourself!

Ever enjoy a hot bath? Pretty sure you weren’t wearing your Jack Rogers.

Think back to the days when a day at the beach only required a pink pail and a shovel. How then did we get so weighted down by our own idiosyncrasies thinking we needed to look good in order to feel good? The two don’t go hand in hand. And yes, I know you are thinking Doreen has lost it. Doesn’t look good, feel good usually roll off her tongue?

Yes, ’tis true. But then there is the true definition of vacation.

Vacation refers to recreation; it is a leave of absence from a regular routine. The intended purpose of a vacation is to get away from day-to-day chores and devote time specifically for the relaxation of your mind and body. In other words, to chill out.

TRAVEL-CHECKLIST-BRING-1If going on vacation is more stressful than the work or routine you are escaping from, then Alice you have a problem.

Let’s break it down. Start with how many days – it’s a math problem.

Say it is a 5-day vacation but 2 days are travel days, so that means you only need 3 days of clothing. If you were just a pant girl that means you would need 3 pants plus one for an extra. Match the tops to the pants, whether it is a tank and a blouse or a blouse and a sweater or a shell and a jacket. Just make the outfit on the bed – add an accessory and a shoe and be done! Plan out your days and plan out your outfits. Unless you are traveling to the Academy Awards, you can no doubt wear something twice. Unless you are traveling to middle earth, you can no doubt rinse something out. Unless you are traveling to the Sahara Desert, you can no doubt pick up an emergency article of clothing if it is earth shatteringly needed.

I could go on and on about providing you with a checklist, telling you how to pack it, etc, etc, but truly the point of the post is for you to chill about the whole process.

To waste the time and the energy stressing about the process of packing to the extent that it diminishes the actual fun, the purpose and the relaxation of the event, is a tad absurd.

You favorite things will be home waiting for you and they will be refreshed and relaxed from having had a vacation from you!

You are now free to move about the Earth, carrying less along the way. Now go relax damnit!

Need help packing? Just ask. [email protected]

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