Is Beauty Really In The Eye Of The Beholder?

eyeofbeholderFrom my experience – that is debatable.

I grew up in Rhode Island, a small state, in a small town, in a small house, with a small family, with a small dog. Both my parents worked and they worked hard. As a result I was pretty independent as a kid; a latch-key who came home in elementary school to an empty house for lunch. (No hot lunch program in the dark ages.) I was pretty self-confident with the exception of my body image—I was skinny as hell and was teased relentlessly in elementary school.

Coming home and eating lunch alone was a bit of a blessing. Middle school brought the big yellow bus and confined exposure to the mean girls. My rock bottom moment was when the big bully (and she was big compared to me) seized the perfect opportunity to publicly humiliate me as I got off the bus.

She bellowed out the window, “Hobble on home peg-leg”. I wanted to melt into the street. I had nowhere to hide. It was the longest walk home ever and as I already mentioned, I had working parents so I came home to an empty house and stuck my nose into my tattered stack of fashion magazines where my “friends” were all skinny.

Screen Shot 2015-06-07 at 10.09.55 PMOne of them was Twiggy. Funny, that was the only name the bully didn’t call me! That day was a turning point for me and that very evening I simply asked my mother if I could be a model. The next week I found myself in the Sears Charm School learning how to cross my skinny legs when I sat down.

One of my very first modeling jobs was at 15 years old standing in the window at Ann Taylor. I had arrived in a comfortable place where I could embrace my body and start to work on my self-confidence. I became the queen of using style as a tool to accentuate the assets and disguise the liabilities.

DAanntaylorI share my story in an effort to show you why I am so passionate about helping you, because I am pretty sure that most of you reading this have a story about being made to feel less than we actually are. At some point in your life, there may have been a time when you were ‘defined’ by someone else.

The minute I made the mental shift from thinking about my body as a liability to thinking about it as an asset, I was on my way, on my own path. And I have never looked back. I actually saw that perpetrator at a class reunion about 30 years later, and I have to say, I was pretty proud of peg-leg!

And now here I am, decades later, having written a book, Confidence Is Always In Style, wrapped around the notion that life is challenging, but we have to get dressed.

It is my hope that you too can wash away the words that may have hurt you and fully embrace the ‘wonderful’ that you are. Move forward with confidence, and remember, you are pretty!

Need convincing? Let’s spend some time on the phone.
Complimentary Style Consult

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