I Believe In Yesterday

Tennis-300x300Love was such an easy game to play…

Why is it that we don’t know how good we have it until its gone?

This week I suffered a direct hit to my right eye with a tennis ball coming off of a full-blown forehand 5 feet away. Knocked me to my knees. As I heaved in pain and held my eye, I suddenly became very religious. No doubt you know what I mean! Praying that my eyeball was not in a million pieces in my hand. I spent the next 5 hours at my local emergency room undergoing a battery of tests, which were no less painful than water boarding. After orbital cat scans, metal probing and prism light torture I was told I needed to proceed to the Mass Eye & Ear for a possible detached retina.

More religious moments ensued during the midnight ride. The next three hours included additional torturous probing, dilating and physician apologies (for inflicting excruciating pain).

Prognosis – double edged sword – the kind you are required to call good news/bad news or cup half full news. No to retinal detachment. Yes to Traumatic Posterior Vitreous Detachment.

Plain English? My eye is killing me and I now have this freaking worm of a floater that moves dead center across my entire eyeball. I am also experiencing prism flashes and have sensitivity to light (am writing now with my computer setting at low, low, low). I will no doubt have to wear those beautiful big black granny clip-ons for a few days (weeks? years?) I will never be able to use my favorite expression when something annoys me, ‘Oh let me just stick a fork in my eye’, because now I just feel like there is a freaking fork in my eye.

Will the worm ever go away? I was not told maybe, I was told maybe not. Crap – everything changed in a flash. Sitting here thinking that nothing will ever look the same is damn depressing. I admit it, a little bit of a pity party going on here, but dammit, I think I am entitled, for today (or the next month) anyway.

So as a parent, what should I be saying? The cup is half full and what did you learn from this experience that you could improve upon going forward. F*** that! I am not giving up tennis. It was totally my fault. What the hell was I thinking turning back to see if my partner was going to get the ball. Of course she got the ball and so did I (eye)! Look forward in the future and worry about your own damn play!

aviatorgogglesWhat else? Buy some protective eyewear!

Help me out here – what are my options. Seriously, I am asking for input. This is not a category that I am perusing daily for my clients. They are not donning plastic goggles while running companies or running down the kids.

I do however regularly look for eyeglasses for clients because I consider them an accessory and many women don’t realize that there are so many options that would fit, flatter and make their outfit just pop!

One of my favorite Virtual Try On sites for clients to check out is Warby Parker. They have one of the best try on software programs as well as a darn good try-on at home option.



Follow this link to their Virtual Mirror.


You can upload a pre-existing photo, but I recommend taking a clean dead on photo of your mug. Sit straight-on in front of your computer screen and take a close up shot with very little background nonsense.

Upload it to the site and voila, you can start trying on different glasses. Take note of different shapes. Be sure you are not completely hiding your eyebrows or covering half of your cheeks. Try different shapes, round, oval and rectangular and ‘save’ these pics on the site so you can scroll back through to see how you look in the shapes before you even look at colors or the styles within those shapes.

WarbyParker2You can always take a screen shot of the looks, print the ones you like and tote them to your local eyeglass shop to start the search and find process if you haven’t already been sold by the fabulous Warby Parker collection.

If you have questions or want a second opinion, I am here, just reach out at [email protected]. Feel free to send me your photos and I will send you my one-eyed opinion.

Your eyeglasses, whether sight glasses or sun glasses, are a very real part of your identity so whether you want to appear conservative, sassy, edgy or youthful, the right eyewear can help determine how you are perceived.

One word to the wise, choosing your eyeglasses so they ‘go away’ – does not work. They are there and they are a part of your costume, so treat them that way. Make sure they match your personality and your wardrobe. Have fun with them. If you have to wear them, you should love them!

gogglesIn the meantime remember, I need your help otherwise this might be the site on the tennis court when I am cleared to engage again!

Still fretting about your eyewear? Let’s grab 30-minutes on the phone to go over your options.

Doreen Dove empowers women to use style as a tool to take strategic control of their image.

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