Tag Archives: betterafter50.com

Style Lessons I Learned From My Mom

I am blessed to say that my Mom, at 82 years old, is still healthy (as much as can be expected at 82), happy (routines make her smile) and stylish (simple and neat). Both my parents worked as professionals so they were up, dressed, primped and out along with my brother and I as we […]

Do You Hate Your Summer Clothes?

It’s bound to happen. The weather will change, you will have to pull out something to wear other than your yellow polka dot bikini, and the words “I have nothing to wear” will echo through the house! When you packed away the winter woolies and the black boots after our epic season, did you by […]

Do You Have A Hair Identity Crisis?

Struggling with a hair identity crisis? It is time to recognize your hair personality and embrace it! Is the grass really greener on the other side? In my years behind the chair I’ve learned that no, it’s not. Stylists have a unique vantage point on the human psyche, and any of us who are paying […]

How Much Time Do You Waste Getting Dressed?

  How does she do it? Ever wonder how some women just seem to get it? They just seem to always look put together? Do you think you are the only one with a Monday morning discard pile that faces you when you return home at midnight – only to get a second layer of discards […]

What Body Shape Am I?

What Body Shape Am I? I have always chuckled at the answer, “I am round, round is a shape.” No two people are built exactly alike and that is what makes us special. Become familiar with your body type—knowledge is power and the tape measure is a necessary item in your style toolbox. Ladies are […]

Tall Tips For Leggy Ladies

  Let’s start with this: Permission To Wear Heels Granted! For a kid whose pants were always too short, I didn’t end up being a ‘tall’ woman, not by industry standards anyway. Now there’s a can of worms – what the heck are industry standards? Was that something that went awry during the Tupperware era? (That […]

Savvy Tips for Shopping and Consigning

FYI – It Is A Two Way Street! If you are going to shop, you should consign and if you are going to consign, you should shop! Who really likes to pay retail? I recently purchased a St. John sweater at my local consignment shop Revolve, for 65.00. The original retail was over 800.00 – aka way out of […]

Style Tips To Battle Your Style Rut

Are you in a style rut? Not sure how to battle your way out? Feeling stuck in your neutral-zone wardrobe or same old, same old look? It’s easy to get into a habit or keep a look that worked for you…once…a decade ago. Maybe it’s time for a change! Recognize and acknowledge your own rut […]

4 Points To Ponder When Purchasing Boots

Here in New England, Fall is in full force, which means we can finally break out the boots. For those of you still in the warmer climates, you will just have to suffer with boot envy! Last week we covered the booties – pant booties, dress booties and rockin’ booties. This week we move up the leg […]

How To Shop For Booties

How often have you coveted a pair of boots, felt sassy as you pranced around the slippery carpet in the shoe department, couldn’t wait to get them home, and then, damn, are these the same boots I tried on? • Did they pack the wrong size, they are so tight! • Were they this stiff […]

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